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  • emilybterrell

Upon This Rock I Stand

Incomprehensible God

Far above every thought or dream

You make the unknowable known

You make the unsearchable seen


You open blind eyes

To behold unspeakable wonder

You open deaf ears

To tremble at Your thunder


Endless oceans of ceaseless joy

Are found in You alone

I will dive and dive again

Until I reach my final home


Immutable God

Unchangeable in all Your glory

Ever faithful, never failing

To write Your matchless story


You are unwavering in Your beauty

Steadfast in all Your ways

You are my landmark, my lighthouse

May I never avert my gaze


Your grace never runs out

Your love stays the same

Because of Your unending mercy

You will always know my name


Sovereign, omnipotent God

Unrivaled in power and in might

You raise the dead and calm the storm

And turn the dark to light


All things are for Your glory

Nothing escapes Your grasp

All falls under Your authority

Future, present, and past


You guide the course of history

According to Your perfect plan

You are the Rock of Ages

And upon this Rock I stand

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Amy Tjoa
Amy Tjoa
Jan 11

This is Beautiful Emily!


Tammy Bowlin
Tammy Bowlin
Jan 05

I absolutely love your poem! Your words truly testify to our incomprehensible, immutable, sovereign, and omnipotent God. Powerful!!!

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