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  • emilybterrell

Think Like a Unicorn

This past weekend my daughters participated in a mile fun run. They occasionally ask to go for a run with me, but it is always a leisurely stroll with a little bit of running and a whole lot of walking. Therefore, I was pleasantly surprised to watch them blaze through the race and finish first and second in their age group.

My six-year-old was so excited to claim her first place ribbon and bouquet of sparklers. (What a fantastic prize for a 4th of July race!) As we were driving home, I asked her what she was thinking about that made her run so fast. She said, "I just pretended I was a unicorn." Of course. Watch out, runners. I now know the secret to winning road races.

Like many endeavors, running is largely mental. A runner's mindset can make or break a run regardless of his or her physical fitness. Similarly, our spiritual growth requires the proper mindset. Paul exhorts us, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things" (Philippians 4:8).

In a world of increasing secularity and rampant negativity, dwelling on "these things" can seem as impossible as being a unicorn. Thankfully, Paul reminds us in a previous verse that we do not have to conjure up these countercultural thoughts on our own. Rather, "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7, emphasis added). The God who has the power to raise us from death to life also has the power to set our minds on the things that please him and bring him glory.

When my daughter wants to run fast, she focuses on being a unicorn because in her mind unicorns are the fastest and most amazing creatures her mind can conceive. When I want to grow in my spiritual walk, I must focus on the Lord and what he has revealed in his Word because he is the most powerful and loving Father we could ever imagine. He wants us to grow in our relationship with him, and he cares deeply about our mindsets. May our first thought, last thought, and every thought throughout the day bring us closer to the very one who made our thought-filled minds.

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