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  • emilybterrell

They're Actually Big

The amount of wisdom wrapped up in a child’s words can be breathtaking. My young daughters have taught me quite a bit about perspective and reality in the last decade. One such instance occurred on a recent plane flight. As we began our descent into JFK airport, my younger daughter was looking out the window at all the houses down below and said, “Mom, they look really small, but they’re actually big.”

How many things in our lives do we glance over because they seem too small to be important in the grand scheme of things? In her advent devotional Emmanuel, Ruth Chou Simons asks, “Are you tempted to discount seemingly unremarkable corners of your life? What if the God of wonders is at work in ways more than you can possibly imagine?” We must investigate what Simons calls the “apparently unspectacular” because this God of wonders we worship doesn’t do unspectacular things. His every action has a purpose – a purpose to bring him glory and a purpose to work all things together for the good of his people. The more we look, the more we will see. No detail is insignificant.

There has never been a day when the sun did not rise with new morning mercies. There has never been a day when we were alone. There has never been a day when we were not loved. There has never been a day when God’s grace and mercy did not cover us.

As we reflect on the seemingly insignificant details in our lives, let’s see them for their grander purpose. They might “look really small, but they’re actually big.” All things – all things – work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purposes (Romans 8:28).

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