“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:15-17).
These beautiful words of Scripture paint a powerful picture of Jesus for us. He is fully God, and at every moment of every day, he is the sustainer of everything he created. Most of us as Christians do not hesitate to attribute such power to Jesus, but have we stopped to think about the glorious mystery that those truths did not take a break as he lay in Mary’s arms as a newborn baby? The Creator of the universe, the one who holds all things together, was held by human hands. And never once during his time as a helpless baby did he forget to bring the morning dawn. He was—and is—fully God and fully human.
I have precious memories of rocking my sleeping baby girls who held no care in the world. Those peaceful moments make me smile as I remember the pleasant countenance on their faces. They trusted me to keep them safe while they slept, and I expected nothing of them as they rested. They were beautiful yet helpless babies whose developing brains needed uninterrupted sleep. They were—and are—fully human. Just like you and me. Just like every other human who has ever lived or ever will live, with one exception.
The Creator of the universe, the one who holds all things together, was held by human hands. And never once during his time as a helpless baby did he forget to bring the morning dawn. He was—and is—fully God and fully human.
This most wonderful time of the year is the perfect opportunity to consider the advent of this one exception, Jesus, the God-Man, our Emmanuel. He is not part God and part man. He is fully God and fully man, the only one who can represent us before the Father, the only one who is God with us. Though he took on flesh, he never stopped being God. In Recapturing the Glory of Christmas, Al Mohler writes, “The one who slept in the arms of Mary was the same one upholding the heavens and the earth. This is the magnificent, mysterious, yet glorious fullness that Christians proclaim at Christmas.”
Let us ponder, celebrate, and proclaim the glorious mystery that Jesus is both fully God and fully man as we dive into the depths of his treasure-filled Word this Christmas season.