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  • emilybterrell

"The Fearful Weight of True Obedience" (Maundy Thursday)

A table set for thirteen. A solemn meal with bread and wine. An ominous prediction. A garden. A desperate prayer. Betrayal. Arrest. Denial. Denial. Denial. The crow of a rooster. The bitter cry of a man in the streets of Jerusalem.

These are the events of Maundy Thursday. I just returned home from the Service of Shadows at my church where we listened to the narrative and watched the room become more and more dim with each dark detail. It was our sin that weighed so heavily upon Jesus that night as he prayed for the will of his Father to be done. We will never know the "fearful weight of [his] true obedience," but we can prayerfully sing these words:

Your will be done, my God and Father

As in Heaven, so on Earth

My heart is drawn to self-exalting

Help me seek Your kingdom first

As Jesus walked, so I shall walk

Held by Your same unchanging love

Be still my soul, O lift your voice and pray

"Father, not my will but Yours be done"

How in that Garden He persisted

I may never fully know

The fearful weight of true obedience

It was held by Him alone

What wondrous faith to bear that cross

To bear my sin, what wondrous love

My hope was sure, when there my Saviour prayed

"Father, not my will but Yours be done"

When I am lost, when I am broken

In the night of fear and doubt

Still, I will trust in my good Father

Yes, to one great King I bow

As Jesus rose, so I shall rise

In ransomed glory at the throne

My heart restored, with all Your saints I sing

"Father, not my will but Yours be done"

As we go forth, our God and Father

Lead us daily in the fight

That all the world might see Your glory

And Your Name be lifted high

And in the Name we overcome

For You shall see us safely home

Now as Your church, we lift our voice and pray

"Father, not my will but Yours be done"

Maundy Thursday Reading:

  • Matthew 26:17-25

  • Mark 14:12-72

  • Luke 22:7-62

  • John 13:1-38

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