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  • emilybterrell

Something Different

Do you ever have the same topic come up over and over again from all kinds of different places and sources? Like the Lord is intentionally getting your attention to grasp a certain truth he wants you to embrace? Lately the Lord’s immutability has been on full display in my reading, in my listening, in my conversations, and in my thoughts. While his unchanging nature is not a new concept for me, he has graciously allowed me to dive deeper into this amazing truth about himself over the last few weeks.

God’s immutability is simply his unchanging nature. Various Scripture passages confirm this doctrinal belief, such as the passage when God himself tells us, “I the Lord do not change” (Malachi 3:6). Elsewhere we learn that God has “no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:17). Think about this truth claim for a moment. God does not ever change. He does not learn anything. He does not improve. He does not deteriorate with age. In fact, he does not even age because he never began. Who he is right now is who he has always been and who he will always be.

We cannot relate to God’s immutability. To quote R.C. Sproul, “God is the Supreme Being, and we are human becomings. We are always becoming something different than we were.” To be human is to change. However, this truth is a blessing and not a curse. Imagine if we were immutable in our fallen condition. No hope of salvation. No hope of sanctification. No hope of improvement. No hope of change whatsoever. Praise God that we are mutable! Praise God that we have the ability to become something different!

Praise God that we are mutable! Praise God that we have the ability to become something different!

The question is, what are we becoming? We become what we behold, so what we behold greatly matters. We must behold our immutable God and his glory as revealed in his Word and in his creation. Doing so is the only way to become who we are meant to be. So let’s look to him. Let’s become like him. He will never be anything different than he has always been, but we have the privilege of becoming something different every day as we grow more and more into the image of Christ.

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2 Kommentare

20. Okt. 2023

Wow! Thank you for sharing this enlightening perception of Christ!

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17. Okt. 2023

So thankful for God’s unchanging qualities but that we as humans do have that ability. Where would we be without it? Standing still and unable to move. Thank you, Emily, for this blog and this writing.

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