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  • emilybterrell

Chasing Sea Turtles

Water as far as my eyes could see. The warm Caribbean breeze on my face. Endless waves splashing against the sides of the ship. Salty air and the familiar smell of the sea. All of my senses came to life as the light of dawn once again broke the darkness of night. This brand new day on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean provoked awe and wonder in my soul. I couldn’t help but stand utterly speechless as I watched the spectacle before my eyes and pondered what must be teeming in the deeps beneath the surface.

My amazement that day did not end with the sunrise. Our ship docked in St. Croix, and my family spent the day on the beach snorkeling, kayaking, and paddle boarding in the ocean. Snorkeling with my younger daughter was arguably the most fun I have ever had with my second-born child. The crystal clear water provided the perfect lens to see hundreds of brightly colored tropical fish dart in and out of their rock homes. Bright blue fins, neon yellow scales, black and white stripes, large angelfish, tiny fairy basslets – beautiful displays of God’s creativity.

As we swam over a stingray, something caught the corner of my eye. My daughter and I turned our heads to see it at the same time. She pointed her little finger, and I heard a muffled “Let’s go!” come from her snorkel pipe. We spent the next several minutes chasing a giant sea turtle through the shallow Caribbean waters. I was astounded by the demonstration of grace before my eyes.

The ocean is home to much beauty. I saw a very small portion of that beauty while snorkeling, and it made me stand in awe and wonder to think about the Designer of it all. Every bit of it points to him, and every part of it was created to bring him glory. Robert Murray M’Cheyne once wrote,

“Unfathomable oceans of grace are in Christ for you. Dive and dive again, you will never come to the bottom of these depths. How many millions of dazzling pearls and gems are at this moment hid in the deep recesses of the ocean caves! But there are unsearchable riches in Christ. Seek more of them.”

Take time not only to seek beauty in this world but also to seek beauty in the Word. They both contain “dazzling pearls and gems” worth exploring. It’s so much fun to chase sea turtles. Let them lead you to deeper truths. In the words of my daughter, “Let’s go!”

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