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  • emilybterrell

Being Pleased With God's Will

January is typically the time when we make plans and goals for a brand new year. Last January I was planning a family cruise vacation, signing up for an obstacle course race, and brainstorming new seasonal cookie designs for my cookie business. Not long after those plans were settled, the cruiseline canceled our vaction, the race company postponed my chosen race until 2021, and my cookie business came to a screeching halt since all events became virtually nonexistent. The year did not unfold as I had planned.

Like many others, I found myself very frustrated with the state of the world. My children could not go to school, my church had to go completely virtual for a while, every store was out of toilet paper, and everyone was filled with fear of the unknown. I have heard several people say that 2020 was the worst year of their lives. While I will not go that far, I will agree that 2020 was difficult in many ways. However, God was faithful to my family and blessed us tremendously last year. I spent more quality time with my husband and my two girls than I ever have. Our schedules are usually packed with school commutes, church events, soccer practice, ballet classes, music lessons, and social events. All of those things stopped. We had time to ride bikes together, read together, and play board games together. I would not trade the amount of family time we experienced for anything. If I learned anything from 2020, it was that I need to say no to a few things in the future so that I can continue to savor quality family time.

This morning my husband preached a message from 1 Thessalonians 4:1. In this verse, Paul pleads with the church at Thessolonica to continue doing exactly what they are doing and to "do so more and more." What were they doing so well? They were walking with God and pleasing him. Would Paul say the same thing to you and to me? Are we walking with God and pleasing him? Or are we choosing to be angry and having pity parties because our plans did not come to fruition in 2020?

"Help me to see how good thy will is in all, and even when it crosses mine teach me to be pleased with it." ~Puritan Prayer

I am currently reading through The Valley of Vision, a collection of Puritan prayers and devotions. In today's reading I came across a sentence that stopped me in my tracks: "Help me to see how good thy will is in all, and even when it crosses mine teach me to be pleased with it." Last year did not go according to my will. The present time is not going according to my will. However, God works all things according to his perfect will, not mine. Lord, teach me to be pleased with your will even when it crosses mine.

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Jan 06, 2021

Very inspirational

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