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  • emilybterrell

A Splash in the Creek

The deer that caught my attention with a splash

The day after Thanksgiving last year I was on a peaceful walk listening to Christmas music. As I walked across a small bridge, I quickly came to a halt as I heard two things simultaneously. I heard a splash in the creek below me, and I heard Ellie Holcomb’s voice singing, “What does joy sound like?” The source of the splash was a deer crossing the creek. As the deer scampered off, I was left alone to process the memories of why joy sounds a lot like a splash in the creek to me.

Very soon after I became a Christian, I had the privilege of going to youth camp at Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters, which is nestled in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. A peaceful creek runs through the center of camp, and I spent many summers playing and splashing in its cold, streaming water. I also spent much time along its edge listening to the water’s gentle flow as I read Scripture, talked about deep things of the faith, and laughed heartily with friends and mentors.

Snowbird is a very special place to me because it’s where my discipleship began. It’s where I learned to study my Bible. It’s where I could ask tough questions and find deep answers. It’s where I had the opportunity to be carefree and adventurous in the wild outdoors. It’s where I found strong Christian women willing to pour into my teenage heart and mind. It’s where God grew my faith in him.

The peaceful creek at Snowbird

I recently had the opportunity to revisit Snowbird for a women’s retreat. Several close friends joined me, and we had a wonderful time worshipping, laughing, and – of course – resting by the creek. It’s a blessing to be able to introduce others to the place where God has met me so many times.

That’s why I heard joy as I crossed a bridge last November and heard a deer splash in the creek below. For me, joy will always sound a lot like a splash in a creek.

“As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God” (Psalm 42:1).
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