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  • emilybterrell

"A Religious Thing"

I recently overheard a conversation that continues to replay in my head. I was coaching at a middle school track meet surrounded by hundreds of people and noisy activity. Athletes were running, the crowd was cheering, and coaches were yelling. Then everything seemingly stopped as my ears tuned in to a short conversation right behind me.

A coach told one of her middle school athletes that he would not have to practice on Friday because school would be out. When he asked for the occasion, she said it’s a holiday called Good Friday. Then he asked, “What’s Good Friday?” She responded, “I think it’s a religious thing.” Her answer satisfied the boy, and he ran off to his next event.

She responded, “I think it’s a religious thing.” Her answer satisfied the boy, and he ran off to his next event.

I have wrestled with wondering if I should have entered the conversation to answer a child’s simple question. I have prayed for that coach and that middle schooler. I have grieved over a missed opportunity to share the hope I have. I have deeply considered my answer to the question.

What is Good Friday?

  • Good Friday is the day Jesus willingly gave his life for my sins.

  • Good Friday is the day my debt was paid.

  • Good Friday is the day that stands in my defense against every accusation of the enemy.

  • Good Friday is the day Jesus absorbed the wrath of God that I deserve.

  • Good Friday is the day that gave me direct access to a holy God.

  • Good Friday is the day that the greatest act of love was ever displayed.

  • Good Friday is the day I was declared righteous by no merit of my own.

  • Good Friday is not “a religious thing.”

  • Good Friday is a gift, an undeserved gift of mercy and grace.

  • Good Friday is my confidence that I am a child of God.

  • Good Friday is good because Sunday came soon after.

I’ll be ready the next time I hear the question.

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